Post on 31st of July 2015
Stockholm 2016   Eurovision Song Contest 2016 will be held in Stockholm , 10, 12, 14 May 2016. Start booking!!!
Post on 16th of June 2015
Euro Folklore on TVR This week-end, TVR aired again that amazing folklore special show with almost every romanian eurovision entry. It was a very nice initiaitve from TVR and the " O data-n viata" TV show , presented by Iuliana Tudor, to bring together under the same ro0f romanian eurostars: Nicola ( ESC 2003), Marcel Pavel ( ESC 2002),Luminita and Sistem ( ESC 2005), Nico and Vlad Mirita ( ESC 2008), Cezar ( ESC 2013) and Paula snd Ovi ( ESC 2010). Each one of the were introduced by famous romanian folk singers, and got the chance to sing together. It was nice to see all of them together, having fun and doing what they know best,
Post on 8th of June 2015
Premiul Barbara Dex 2015 Premiul Barbara Dex este o traditie nescrisa a Eurovisionului si reprezinta anual cel mai prost imbracat concurent. Ideea le-a venit celor de la si din 1997 pana in prezent acest premiu este acordat pe baza voturilor fanilor Eurovision. Anul acesta premiul a fost castigat de reprezentanta Olandei: Trijntje Oosterhuis Top 10 de anul acesta a fost: Olanda - 1324 voturi Serbia - 605 voturi Anglia - 397 voturi Albania - 263 voturi Moldova - 237 voturi Georgia - 195 voturi Iselanda - 148 voturi Letonia - 135 voturi Finlanda - 125 voturi Armenia - 97 voturi Romania
Post on 5th of June 2015
La multi ani Eurovision 60 !!! Anul acesta organizatorii s-au gandit sa faca ceva special pentru "batranul" Eurovision care a juns la 60 de ani.  Cativa participanti au fost rugati sa scrie felicitari pentru aceasta aniversare speciala.. Ce a iesit vedeti mai jos:                                         source:  / photo credits: Thomas Hanses ( EBU)
Post on 26th of May 2015
De ce nu am primit puncte din Italia ??? Ca sa spulberam misterul, si cu ajutorul unui calcul matematic simplu, dupa publicarea rezultatelor din fiecare tar,  situatia sta cam asa: Romania a iesit pe locul 2 la Televotingul din Italia. Juriul de specialitatea insa ne-a clasat pe locul 26. Asta ne-a plasat in clasamentul final Italian pe locul 13. Cei care aveau dubii ca romanii din Italia nu ne-au votat, se insala. Chiar am fost votati in masa de romanii de acolo. Cei care ne-au tras in jos a fost juriul. Pe de alta parte juriul romanesc a acordat Italiei locul 3, in timp ce  romanii din tara au votat in masa Italia plsand-o pe locul 1.Â
Post on 26th of May 2015
Eroul suedez a ajuns acasa Mans Zelmerlow a juns acasa in Suedia, in orasul natal Lund. Mii de oameni s-au adunat in piata mare a orasului sa isi intampine castigatorul , cel care a adus acasa al 6-lea trofeu Eurovision pentru Suedia.  " Multumesc pentru aceasta primire. Nu ma asteptam, este absolut fantastic"...a declarat Mans. Christer Björkman, seful delegatiei suedeze a declarat: " sa castigi este visul oricarui producator de televiziune, dar sa castigi de doua ori  in 4 ani..este o utopie. Ultima data cand s-a intamplat asta, a fost cu Irlanda in anii 90.."             &
Post on 26th of May 2015
Premiile Marcel Bezencon In fiecare an, inainte de Finala Eurovision, se acorda cele 3 Premii muzicale Marcel Bezencon. Aceste premii au fost date pentru prima data in 2002 in Talina la initiativa lui Christer Björkman ( seful delegatiei Suedeze). Numele acestor premii este dat de creatorul Eurovisionului, Marcel Bezencon. Cele 3 premii de anul acesta au fost acordate astfel: Premiul Presei: Acordat celui mai bun cantec votat de presa acreditata la Vienna. El a mers catre Il Volo- " Grande Amore" Premiul Artistic: Acordat de catre comentatotii evenimentului acreditati la Vienna.  El a mers catre Mans Zelmerlow - "
Post on 25th of May 2015
Giuseppe di Bella – the hottest trend in Eurovision 2015 Everybody agrees when it comes to "who was the hottest" at the Eurovision. Giuseppe di Bella, the 28 years old dancer, who made Edurne's performance "complete" :P He is an italian born dancer, who came to Spain to study law, graduated , but decided to dedicate his life to his one true passion, that is dancing ( . He is no strager to Eurovision as he accompanied Ruth Lorenzo last year in an amazing perfromance on spanish can watch it here: He is already a star in Spain, having 30.4 million fans on Instagram , and 42 million in Twitter. So mak
Post on 24th of May 2015
Italy Won the Televoting Later today there were published the split jury/televoting results...and it was a masacre for Italy. They won the Televoting but the jury placed them on 6 so killed their chance of winning.  Too bad cause the general vibe was that everybody expected Italy to win and everybody wanted to go to Italy next year. We'll come back with a discussion about this when we get back home. These are the split results:  
Post on 24th of May 2015
Full results published Final scoreboard: Semifinal 1: Semifinal 2: